
Online Giving Portal

Thank you for supporting Emmanuel Baptist Church. Click the button below to make a one-time gift or to set-up recurring gifts. You can make your donation by credit card, debit card, or echeck (from your bank account).

The Church reserves the right to redirect designated funds if necessary.


Our online giving is facilitated by  For faster, more convenient mobile giving. Download the app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Online Giving Safe?

All financial information through the giving platform is encrypted and stored to Payment Card Industry (PCI) DSS Level 1 compliant standards. PCI DSS Level 1 compliance is a set of rules stated by credit card companies and audited by an independent third party. It is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry. Additionally, all transmissions to financial institutions on the giving platform are via an encrypted 256-bit HTTPS SSL connection. When you manage your own account information our church never needs to handle checks or worry about locking up documents containing your account information and you’ll always be certain that your gifts are direct-deposited into the church’s account.

What are the advantages of Online Giving?

It makes it easy to give, even when you are unable to attend church. You never have to bring cash or checks to church. It teaches members the value and significance of systematic giving. Giving electronically also helps the church plan its budget!

How are my contributions automatically deducted from my account?

Once you complete the online registration form, the contribution amount you specify will automatically be transferred from your bank account to the church’s bank account.

When will my contribution be deducted from my account?

Your electronic contribution will be debited on the date identified on the check image (one-time giving) or on the schedule you setup (recurring giving).

Why do you have the ability to redirect my designated contribution?

Our bylaws define that designated contributions are treated as suggested use gifts. “The Church reserves the right to redirect designated funds if necessary.”

Because we maintain relationships with individual missionaries around the world, some of our members give to those missionaries by name. The IRS might look at that contribution as an earmarked contribution, using a charity organization as an agent for a particular non-charity receipt. (Giving to a non-charitable cause or person but wanting a tax deductible receipt for the expense.) To protect our donors and to provide fiscal transparency, we publicly communicate that every contribution will be used in keeping with the charitable mission of this church, to edify the body and to spread the gospel around the world. Rarely does the church find a need to re-designate the funds.

You can read more about this issue online at church tax sites like this one.

If I do not write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balance straight?

Since your contribution is made at a pre-established time, you simply record it in your check register on the appropriate date. Electronic contributions are recorded for you on your bank statement as well as your online church contribution report.

Without a canceled check, how can I prove I made my contribution?

Your bank statement and the Online Giving system both provide reports that document your electronic transactions.

Can I contribute both tithes and missions giving Online?

Yes. You can give to any fund setup by Emmanuel Baptist Church for online giving. Make sure you select the correct fund in the “Give To” drop down menu just above where you enter your financial information. If you want to give to more than one fund simply click on “Add Gift” to open an additional donation field. Regular tithes and offerings should be given to the “Tithes/Offerings” fund and Grace Giving missions offerings should be given to the “Missions” fund.

Can I contribute camp fees or special offerings Online?

Regularly, you can give tithes, general offerings, and missions contributions online. Periodically the Church will make other giving options available. You are unable to designate your giving to special people, ministries, or events online beyond the fund designations in the drop down menu. Please contribute in person or call the church office for mailing information.

What information is needed from me to give Online?

Your Name, Email address, and bank information (located at the bottom of a check) or your credit/debit information.

Do I have to have a account to give Online?

No! You can absolutely donate, register, or pay without signing up for a account except for when using the mobile app where having an account is required.

What payment forms are accepted by the Church?

You can contribute using your bank routing information and bank account number (located on the bottom of a check) or your credit/debit card.

Is there something I can put in the offering plate during worship?

Yes. Fill out an offering envelope located in the pew pockets in the sanctuary with the amount of your contribution and write ONLINE next to “Total Enclosed.”

Are my on-site and Online contributions recorded on one giving statement?

Yes. Whether you give Online or during one of our worship services, your contributions are recorded the same. You will receive a single contribution statement at the end of the year that will include both physical gifts as well as those given Online.

What if I change bank accounts?

Log in and cancel your recurring contributions. You will need to setup additional recurring contributions with your new bank information (routing and checking numbers).

How much does Online Giving cost?

It costs you absolutely nothing! Your church pays a small convenience fee deducted from your gift. If you would like to offset the convenience fee cost simply select “Cover card processing fees” when entering your transaction.

1.00% + $0.30 per ACH transaction

2.90% + $0.30 per Credit/Debit transaction

3.50% + $0.30 per AMEX transaction

What if I try Online Giving and don’t like it?

You can cancel your authorization by canceling your gifts and donation dates at any time.

How do I sign up for Online Giving?

  1. Visit or download the app.
  2. Click on Give
  3. Sign up for an account.

It’s that simple!

For additional information or help setting up your account please contact the church office.